To ensure that the most accurate pricing for your order is displayed, once registered the currency will default to the most relevant one for you, based on the billing address you are registered with. If you are not registered, then the currency changes depending on the location you are shipping to.


In case of shipments that are made to imported countries, as soon as the articles arrive at the destination, sales tax on imports as well as customs duties and handling costs will be determined by the respective customs office. The recipient will then be invoiced by our courier. By submitting your order and paying and/or delivering the required information, you concede to the import regulations of the respective articles. Please be aware that import regulations vary from country to country.


Please note that customs duties, sales tax on imports, as well as handling costs that were charged to the recipient by our courier, by order of the customs office, cannot be refunded by our company even in the case that the articles should be returned.


Please note that customs duties, sales tax on imports, as well as handling costs that were charged to the recipient by our courier, by order of the customs office, can be refunded only as a voucher.


Currency: USD
USD - US Dollar
Language: English
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